Recent MACCI activity summary for the 4 months since October 2021
January 13, 2022
Update- January 2022……..Happy New Year to Members wishing 2022 is a safe and prosperous year without any lockdowns.
Some points of interest from the last quarter of 2021
- The MACCI participated in the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee into Australian’s general aviation industry- This involved a written submission and also working with Kingston Council to assist them with details for their submission and hearing presentation. Link below to view the Mayor of Kingston’s statement. You may also like to view the last interview of the Department of Infrastructure Transport, Regional Development.
- In November the Chamber and some of the other affected businesses in the 2021 preliminary draft master plan were invited to an online meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister the Hon Barnaby Joyce. Unfortunately the DPM was called away at short notice so the meeting went ahead with the Senior Aviation Advisor.
Outcomes from this meeting were the Deputy Prime Minister’s office will:
- request an “acquittal” or “stocktake” of the current state of development compared to the previous Master Plan;
- review the list of questions posed by MACCI and consider the other suggested actions as posed by the group;
- enquire as to MAC’s future plans for consultation, including providing clarity to existing tenants regarding plans to relocate them (when and where to). That is, the tenants require certainty;
- enquire as to the commercial terms of tenants (changes to $/m2 over time);
- enquire as to the available “footprint” for businesses over time – not just hangar or office space, but access to taxi-ways, aircraft parking/tiedown;
- MACCI facilitated an online consultation/presentation from the Moorabbin Airport Corporation on the 2021 preliminary draft master plan. This meeting was also attended by Senator Sussan McDonald and staff from the Department of Transport and Infrastructure and Regional Development.
- The Chamber hosted an onsite visit with Senator Rice to view firsthand the latest development on Moorabbin Airport- Thank you to Greg Bastian
- In December the Chamber met with Kingston council to discuss development of council’s future aviation strategy/policy- The Chamber will be working with council in the coming months to progress this.