Moorabbin Airport Chamber of Commerce
An organisation which strives represent members, namely pilots, aircraft owners and local airport tenants, to improve logistics and conditions at and around Moorabbin Airport.
Let MACCI be your voice - become a member.
Latest News
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2024..... Wed 27th November 2024 was held at the Royal Vic Aero Club
All positions of Committee and President were made vacant and the past Vice President proposed that all to be re elected as there were no other nominations. This was unopposed by the members present so the past Committee and President were duly re elected.
See the website for details of the positions and committee.
Travis Brown from MAC then gave a talk about all the various issues around Cranes operating in the near vicinity of the airport and the issues in managing the height restrictions. His presentation will be circulated in due course.
Special General Meeting 2024..... Wed 12th Kirkhope Aviation 2 Second Street , Moorabbin Airport....5:30 pm
A Special general meeting was held to ratify the office bearers of MACCI due to a technical issue.
Rob Simpson has stood down as President and Sean Runacres has taken up the position.
See the website for details of the positions and committee.
We would really like to thank Rob for his continual work in MACCI and his involvement as President for the last 2-3 years.
Annual General Meeting 2023..... Wed 6th Kirkhope Aviation 2 Second Street , Moorabbin Airport....6:00 pm
Please attend to hear what MACCI has achieved this past 12 months. We need your support.

Meeting Minister Catherine King
Minister King visits Moorabbin Airport
On Friday 3rd Nov 2023, Minister Catherine King attended a meeting with members of MACCI. She had a tour of the airport precincts showing the current development of Non Aviation buildings and the condition of existing Aviation related buildings. The Minister was receptive to the future concerns raised by the Aviation colleagues.
Report by Aviation Management on Parking and runway lengths...Oct 2023
For details see the News Tab
Draft Master Plan approved..... 7th Sept 2023
The revised draft Master Plan has now been approved by Minister King
Click the link below on the MAC website to view the Plan
Next Scheduled Networking Event for 2023..... 19th Kirkhope Aviation 2 Second Street ....5:30 pm
MACCI intends to have the next Networking evening starting around 5:30 pm with drinks and nibbles. Here the latest on the recent ammended draft Master Plan
Flyin or Drive in to Moorabbin Airport...Saturday 3rd December 2022...NOW SCHEDULED SUNDAY 19th FEBRUARY 2023
BBQ sausage sizzle at the MACCI tent ( 11am-2pm )just outside the Museum. Hear about what's happening at Moorabbin Airport from Minsters, local Members and MAC....timing to be advised
Visit the Museum and donate to receive free airport access charges for the day from MAC
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ....Please indicate aircraft registration and likely numbers attending the BBQ.
Annual General Meeting ......7th December 2022 at 6pm
This will be a hybrid meeting so the zoom invitation is below. Please attend in person if at all possible.
Location will be .....Avia Aviation 21 First Ave Moorabbin Airport 3194 or Online
Apologies can be emailed no later than 1200 midday on the 7th of December.
If you would like to know more about nominating for one of the committee positions, please reach out to discuss.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 863 2083 3094
Passcode: 314741
Media Release 31 March 2022
The Moorabbin Airport Chamber of Commerce Inc (MACCI) is delighted with today's decision by
the Deputy Prime Minister, the Honourable Barnaby Joyce, to reject the Moorabbin Airport,
2021 Draft Preliminary Master Plan, a win for General Aviation in Australia
The Goodman Group took a commercial lease over Moorabbin Airport in 1999 that has been
managed by the Moorabbin Airport Corporation (MAC). Since this time, MAC has undertaken
minimal development into General Aviation and in 2020 taxiways, aircraft parking areas and
aviation hangars were destroyed to make way for large commercial warehousing, unrelated to
This is contrary to the requirements, as set out in federal legislation, for the MAC to “promote
the sound development of civil aviation in Australia”.
MACCI believes that combined with the Australian Government recent COVID recovery plan for
aviation (The Future of Australia’ Aviation Sector - Flying to Recovery), this decision by Mr
Joyce sends a strong signal across Australia, that our airports are an important part of the
Australian infrastructure network and that the overdevelopment of aviation sites for non-aviation,
commercial purposes will not be tolerated by the Australian Government.
Over the past two years, MACCI has worked closely with the Kingston City Council (KCC) to
achieve the decision released today. The MACCI would like to acknowledge the tireless and
concerted efforts from its members and the wider aviation community and sincerely thank all
involved for their support.
Over the coming weeks and months MACCI plans to commence open and positive dialogue
with the MAC with the aim to promote and expand general aviation at Moorabbin Airport.
Until significant, positive outcomes are achieved for General Aviation, MACCI will continue to
lobby the Australian Government not to renew the Goodman Group lease and for the Australian
Government to develop and exhibit firm oversight into airport management around this great
Once again, thank you Mr Joyce for stepping up and looking after General Aviation in Australia
For further information MACCI President Rob Simpson
Update- January 2022........Happy New Year to Members wishing 2022 is a safe and prosperous year without any lockdowns.
Some points of interest from the last quarter of 2021
- The MACCI participated in the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee into Australian’s general aviation industry- This involved a written submission and also working with Kingston Council to assist them with details for their submission and hearing presentation. Link below to view the Mayor of Kingston’s statement. You may also like to view the last interview of the Department of Infrastructure Transport, Regional Development.
- In November the Chamber and some of the other affected businesses in the 2021 preliminary draft master plan were invited to an online meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister the Hon Barnaby Joyce. Unfortunately the DPM was called away at short notice so the meeting went ahead with the Senior Aviation Advisor.
Outcomes from this meeting were the Deputy Prime Minister’s office will:
- request an “acquittal” or “stocktake” of the current state of development compared to the previous Master Plan;
- review the list of questions posed by MACCI and consider the other suggested actions as posed by the group;
- enquire as to MAC’s future plans for consultation, including providing clarity to existing tenants regarding plans to relocate them (when and where to). That is, the tenants require certainty;
- enquire as to the commercial terms of tenants (changes to $/m2 over time);
- enquire as to the available “footprint” for businesses over time – not just hangar or office space, but access to taxi-ways, aircraft parking/tiedown;
- MACCI facilitated an online consultation/presentation from the Moorabbin Airport Corporation on the 2021 preliminary draft master plan. This meeting was also attended by Senator Sussan McDonald and staff from the Department of Transport and Infrastructure and Regional Development.
- The Chamber hosted an onsite visit with Senator Rice to view firsthand the latest development on Moorabbin Airport- Thank you to Greg Bastian
- In December the Chamber met with Kingston council to discuss development of council’s future aviation strategy/policy- The Chamber will be working with council in the coming months to progress this.
The two attachment pdf's below are available for reading
Click here to read the Aviation Projects submission...The Consultant enlisted to provide a submission on MACCI's behalf
Click here to read the MACCI submission
VALE...Stan van de Weil....Dec 2021
Stan van de Weil died in December 2021. He had a very active life in Aviation. Born in the Netherlands and lived most of his Aviation life in Australia. He became a pilot in 1968, was involved and bought into a number of flying and charter businesses including Schutt Aviation and was a Chief Pilot. His active role during the fuel crisis and subsequent involvement with CASA was always to fight for the existence of GA. He became a member of the Moorabbin Airport Chamber of Commerce when it first formed in 2011 and was a valued member of the Committee continuing the task of supporting GA and the development of Moorabbin Airport in particular.
RIP Stan
The MACCI website has been quiet over the last 4 months. However activity has still been happening. Summary details of what has occurred over this time will be updated as soon as possible but probably not until early January.
Rest assured that the push from MACCI and others against the Draft Master Plan has not stopped.
Rather it is progressing strongly and hopefully achieving positive outcomes.
Enjoy XMAS and let's hope for a positive 2022
KATOOMBA AIRPORT TO CLOSE IN MID NOVEMBER....AOPA again was live on FACEBOOK this week (26th Oct) discussing this amazing decision.
Once again , listen to Ben Morgan from AOPA doing a live Facebook stream session last Tuesday . This is an emotional and passionate presentation with the Katoomba Airport operator who has been fighting with AOPA for over 4 years to save this airport. It has now been deemed as having no significant value and has been told to close in mid November. The discussion highlights the impending doom surrounding the destruction of Australia's airports including Moorabbin, Archerfield, Bankstown, Jandakot , Katoomba and more. Where will it end?
Click hear to listen once again to the recorded live broadcast.
AOPA was live on FACEBOOK last week (19th Oct) re the Draft Master Plan
Listen to Ben Morgan from AOPA doing a live Facebook stream session last week . He shows his passion and puts clear arguments against the Draft Moorabbin Airport Master Plan.
Click hear to listen to his views that were similarly expressed a few days before at the Consultation session (4th October) on Zoom with MACCI, its members and MAC.
Extension approved for the Draft Master Plan Submission 28th October 2021
28th October 2021 at 5:00 PM is the cut-off time for submissions to the proposed master plan for Moorabbin Airport.
Additional submissions and or ammendments can still be sent prior to that date. Please send to or mailed to Moorabbin Airport Corporation Pty Ltd, Airport Management Centre, 66 Bundora Parade, Moorabbin Airport Victoria 3194. Email is preferred as too late to use Aust Post.
If emailing could you please copy in this email
Go to our News page for more detail
Draft Master Plan Submission date
Monday, 12th July 2021 at 5:00 PM is the cut-off time for submissions to the proposed master plan for Moorabbin Airport.
Please ensure your submission is sent to or mailed to Moorabbin Airport Corporation Pty Ltd, Airport Management Centre, 66 Bundora Parade, Moorabbin Airport Victoria 3194. Email is preferred as too late to use Aust Post.
If emailing could you please copy in this email
Go to our News page for more detail
Wednesday 30th June 2021 - MACCI members update meeting. A one hour networking event will be held at the AVIA building....21 First Av Moorabbin Airport.
There will be a presentation from Aviation Projects and the City of Kingston. RSVP by 1700 on 29th of June.
Come and enjoy the evening of face to face networking.... FREE
Time: 6:00pm 7:30pm
Monday 31st May 2021 -
The Victorian Government has launched the $250 million Circuit Breaker Business Support Package to assist small to medium businesses and sole traders, under the circuit breaker restrictions announced on 27 May 2021.
The package will support businesses unable to operate due to these necessary public health measures, including targeted support for the events industry.
The program will open for applications on Wednesday 2 June 2021 and will remain open for three weeks.
Friday 21st May 2021 - Our second networking event for 2021. A free public one hour networking event will be held this time at the AVIA building....21 First Av Moorabbin Airport.
May's special guest speaker is The Hon Bruce Billson, the new Small and Family Business Ombudsman- many of your will remember him as the Federal Minister for Small Business- He is a passionate advocate and support of Small Business.
Come and enjoy the evening of face to face networking. FREE
Time: 6:00pm 7:30pm
Wednesday May 19th 2021 - Our second meeting to discuss the Master Plan will be at the Flight Deck Bar & Grill (37 First Av Moorabbin Airport) .
Details on progress to date . Please attend if possible. We need your input.
Download the MAC Master Plan
Time: 6:00pm 7:30pm
Wednesday April 28th 2021 - A free public 1 to 1.5 hour networking event at the Flight Deck Bar & Grill (37 First Av Moorabbin Airport)
hear about the Moorabbin Airport Master Plan that has just been released. Help us highlight important issues and learn about the process to make submissions.
Download the MAC Master Plan
This is your's up to you to have a say and ensure that it does not get destroyed
Come and enjoy the evening of face to face networking. Drinks and nibbles FREE
Time: 5:30pm 7:00pm
Minister King visits Moorabbin Airport On Friday 3rd Nov , Minister Catherine King attended a meeting with members of MACCI. She had a tour of the airport precincts showing the current development of Non Aviation…
Read MoreReport from Aviation Management requested by MACCI
Aviation Management was commissioned by MACCI to investigate the parking and runway length issues proposed in the Draft Master Plan Here is their report and two attachments Aircraft parking: We’re trying to work out where…
Read MoreDraft Master Plan approved….. 7th Sept 2023
The revised draft Master Plan has now been approved by Minister King Click the link below on the MAC website to view the Plan
Read More